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Call for papers: “Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings”


Ascola (die Academic Society for Competition Law) tagt im Juni 2014 in Warschau zum spannenden Thema “Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings” und ruft zur Einreichung von Papers auf [PDF]. Es wird einen Preis für das beste Papier geben, auch einen Preis für den “Most Promising Young Scholar”. Ende Februar ist Frist.

Thematisch schlägt Ascola folgenden Leitfaden vor:

Within the concept of procedural fairness, we have distinguished 6 categories of rights:

(1) right to be heard: access of parties and other interested entities to information on the proceedings and to evidence collected in the case file, direct contact with the decision- maker – access to oral hearings, proper justification of anticompetitive charges raised as well as of the final decision;

(2) right to participate: standing in the proceedings including the question whether other entities and if yes which ones, aside from those suspected to have infringed competition law, should have the right to participate in the competition proceedings;

(3) right of defence: protection of the privilege against self-incrimination, protection of the legal professional privilege, guarantees of proportionality of inspections;

(4) right to protect business secrets and other confidential information: obligation to reveal business secrets and other confidential information by the scrutinized undertakings in the course of competition proceedings as well as others’ rights to have access to evidence forming the basis of the decision;

(5) right to judicial review: scope of judicial control over competition proceedings;

(6) other rights, rights combinations & general issues.

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