Der Spring 2017 Newsletter des Cartel & Criminal Practice Committee der ABA Antitrust Section [PDF – Members] enthält ein Interview mit Brent Snyder (Acting Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division) zu den im Januar 2017 aktualisierten FAQs zum U.S. Leniency Program [PDF].
Ein Thema: Gibt es eine geänderte Praxis zur Einbeziehung von Unternehmensangehörigen in die Typ B Leniency? (Vereinfacht gesagt meint “Typ B Leniency” die unangenehme Situation, dass der vorgetragene Sachverhalt dem DOJ nicht unbekannt ist.)
Hierzu aus dem Interview:
Mark Rosman: … You mention the coverage of employees under Type B Leniency (post-investigation) for example. The new FAQ talks about not covering employees whom the Division considers
“highly culpable.” The concern I hear is that this stricter standard could change the equation for companies deciding whether to apply for Type B leniency if their key executives will not be protected …Brent Snyder: Counsel can continue to assume that our practice of extending coverage to the vast majority of current officers, directors, and employees of Type B leniency applicants remains unchanged. As always, we make assessments on a case-by-case basis, but counsel should also assume that any equivocation or initial denials by the most culpable individuals will more likely [!] result in their exclusion from coverage than in the past.